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Daou Signs Business Partnership with Global Data Center Operator SC ZEUS


■ IT비즈뉴스 ... 다우기술, 글로벌 데이터센터 사업자 SC Zeus와 파트너십 체결
■ 뉴스퀘스트 ... 글로벌 수준의 경쟁력 확보를 위한 다우기술 & 제우스 파트너십 체결


image-png-Nov-24-2024-11-25-10-4225-PM[IMAGE : DAOU Technology Inc.]


Daou Technology Inc. (“Daou”), a leading IT company in South Korea, announced that it has entered into a partnership with SC Zeus Data Centers Pte. Ltd. (“SC Zeus”), headquartered in Singapore, as part of its efforts to strengthen its global competitiveness in the data center business.  Daou began its data center business with the opening of the Mapo Center located in the CBD of Seoul, South Korea, in 2016. The company plans to expand its data center business to support the growth of AI infrastructure. It is currently constructing a hyperscale center in the metropolitan area. This high-profile data center will support densities of up to 30kW and provide neutral connectivity.

The collaboration aims to create synergy by combining the expertise and experiences of both companies in various areas, from data center development to operations.

Daou is confident that the commercialization of AI business is accelerating, and the demand and supply for IT infrastructure are evolving to support this trend. This can also be seen through the increasing inquiries from customers who are facing limitations in operating the AI workloads, which consume more than three times the power of general workloads and concentrate computing resources for specific periods or tasks, in traditional data centers.

Daou’s first hyperscale data center, which meets global standards in scalability, security, and redundancy, is expected to be operational by the end of 2026. The facility will be capable of 40MW of power, with a total floor area of 36,131m². The company also plans to expand its data center capacity by an additional 100MW in the future.

Daou’s vice president, Sangbum Shin, ITS division head, stated, “As a first-generation IT venture, we have been pioneering the IT industry in South Korea with a robust and wide-ranging business portfolio, from data centers and IT infrastructure to enterprise services.” He added, “Through the development of this hyperscale center, we will grow into a global-level data center provider in terms of performance and scale.”

SC Zeus’ CEO, Joe Gooi, commented, “We are excited to join forces with Daou Technology, a company with a rich legacy in IT infrastructure. Leveraging both companies' global networks and innovative technologies, we will provide high-performance, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly data center solutions, setting new industry standards for data centers in South Korea and leading AI-driven innovation."




▲ Daou Technology and SC Zeus signed a business partnership on February 28 (local time) at SC Zeus Data Centers’ headquarters in Singapore. From left: Nam Jung-hyun, Manager, and Kim Young-jun, Head of Daou Technology’s Data Center Business Unit; Joe Gooi, CEO of SC Zeus; and Kim Sung-woo, Investment Director. [Photo: Daou Technology]

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